You find yourself in a small valley between what seem to be large clouds. Flowers sprout up around your feet, and you find the ground (if you can even call it that) beneath you to be springy. You look around, and take in the sights. Butterflies flitter amongst the jewel-toned flowers, and a small, blue-tinted stream swirls past to your left. Fallen logs with oddly purple-tinged bark adorn the cloud-ground, and the nearby bushes offer rainbow-hued berries. It's a rather dream-like place.

"Looking for anything in particular?," a voice from behind you questions. You turn, and find yourelf looking down at a copper rabbit.

"I am Khari," the rabbit speaks. "This is where my warren resides; we are the Warren of Shimmering Clouds. Since you're here, perhaps you'd like to meet the other members?"

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Rabbit (Name & ID):
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Pierra Rabbits hail from Eternal Light

©2003 Victoria Hanke